today's terror alert:

Terror Alert Level


mmm... yeah, kettle corn, yeah!!! (like hey, burrito!)

i'm eating kettle corn and i like it, bitch. mmm... **takes another bite** today was well... intersting... i went to school. normal. right? WRONG!!! i wasn't even supposed to go until tomorrow (the first day) and i was there for 4 hours. but, it wasn't too bad. [just for insiders: james is pooping right now] i spoke with ingraham. i spoke with mrs. gaskey. i spoke with the kool-aid man. i yelled at the attendance office..... so there's this musical that we're doing this year. pirates of biznatch or something... i dunno, but i really wanna be in it. i have my eye sat for the major-general. he's the father of a bunch of girls and is a pretty important role. there's a few solos and recicatives and such... sounds like fun... i hope the parental unit lets me do it. i would be REALLY mad if i couldn't. everyone around me is turning nazi... it might just be me viewing everything different, but a few people have been added to my nazi list, at least temporarily... so i'd to thank the acadamy the acadamy for today is: LAUREN ADAMS! thanks for the free lunch... it would have cost me $12 if you hadn't given it to me for nothin'! i appreciate it. well... it's back to my kettle corn... mmm... kettle corn... **MUNCH!!!**


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