today's terror alert:

Terror Alert Level


parents.... again

so my parents are absolutely stupid... and i can't stand them... they are hypocritical, and i can't wait to move out... i didn't clean the kitchen in the hour that dad wanted me too, so at 3:30 this morning i went to clean the kitchen... mel came out and told me i was supposed to have already done it and that i was being too loud... well, then i woke up early to do it and dad told me the same thing... so in my attempt to exonerate myself, i wasn't allowed to do what i was asked to do... well... the punishment is stupid... here goes: option a) don't go to keith's all-state concert; or b) go to keith's concert and get grounded from EVERYTHING until friday... well... i took option b. and as you can plainly see, i am on the computer (oops!) everyone is gone, and i go to work in a few minutes, so i am utilizing this time to blog my frustrations... well... no phone, or computer, or TV, or music, or going out, or having a life for another week!!! yea! i am so frustrated with everything right now... i need to leave my house for a night or two (like i'm used to) and take a break, but i can't... because i'm fucking grounded... o well... only a few months until i move away... to college... oh yeah.... college... well i got accepted into UNT and i told my parents... instead of the excited reaction i expected, i got a lecture on why i could have not had to worry if i made better grades... so my parents wait until 2nd semester of my senior year to make their first lecture on grades in my high school career... a little late... oh wait... that's typical... my parents don't give a shit about me... oh well... it's off to work to make money, so i can get the hell outta here... adios... haha... it's 4:20, and i wish i had a drink right now...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

John if its one person that understands this bullshit...its me. Im sorry. I really am. I know the feeling, and God how I wish this could all change for you. It'll come soon enough though. Just enjoy the little things at home that you will miss when you're gone. Like money. Money from parents is always good. Anyway, SMILE! I LOVE YOU! And I hope you have an awesome week...even though you are grounded. Just enjoy school time(as stupid as they might sound). Hey, at least you have a truck!!! heh. You're a lil above me for now. I LOVE YOU!!!! Call me when you can. BYE!-Becca

February 16, 2005 4:30 PM  

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