today's terror alert:

Terror Alert Level


mmm... chinese food and gummy bears...

it's been a good day overall... chinese food with the folks and then a trip to the grocery store... scholarship packet time... and a talk my sisters... i'm in a really good mood right now... i feel quite confident... but i'm just not sure about what... maybe that's my cockiness catching up with me... i dunno anyway... nick and i are going to breakfast in the morning... and i just spoke to casey.. and keith... i hope we get to go to barbershop on tuesday! it will rock! i love going to barbershop!!! yea!!! (that's my extra good mood coming out) as nick would say: yea! awwww... john's rubbing off on me... lol... sorry... isn't that an ok rub off... as long as there's no white belts in view, then we're ok... haha... anyway... i think i'm going to sing 'brick' -ben folds five- for pops... yes... that's what i will do... i just made an executive decision... 'brick' it'll be! 3 months, 7 days, 11 hours, and 44 minutes until graduation!!! woot!!! woot!!! i'm excited... well back to those scholarship applications due on tuesday... and then to bed... i love my eyelids... they are gorgeous...


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