today's terror alert:

Terror Alert Level






well... there's a mouse in the choir room... his name is breakfast! and i just burnt the roof of my mouth... dammit! o well... i'm talking to kaiser... and now i'm burning cd's



guys... this is like a journal... this isn't a read-all about john's life... this is whee i vent my frustrations... embrace the good times... and roll through the boring times... this is my life... and you guys fighting doesn't help any... i'm sure james and i will talk about it and get it dealt with... if you wanna leave comments... do so on my other blog... this one is my journal... thanks...



LaFeeVerte027: i dont want to have to ride the bus in the morning...
Mithrandir131: lmfao
LaFeeVerte027: yeah.... real funny
Mithrandir131: her answer was
Mithrandir131: as since you dont tell me ne thing then yeah, its fucking funny
Mithrandir131: some friend
LaFeeVerte027: do u even wanna knowmy problems
LaFeeVerte027: u always tell me they're my fault and i seserve them
LaFeeVerte027: **deserve
LaFeeVerte027: so whos the good friend here?
Mithrandir131: thats your call
Mithrandir131: why am i busting my ass to help you like one is the question
LaFeeVerte027: i dunno
Mithrandir131: exactly
LaFeeVerte027: i cant tell u
LaFeeVerte027: its that simple
LaFeeVerte027: i just cant
LaFeeVerte027: u dont need to ask ?'s
LaFeeVerte027: sry
LaFeeVerte027: its just one of those things
Mithrandir131: fuck off
LaFeeVerte027: ok



Your Dominant Intelligence is Musical Intelligence

Every part of your life has a beat, and you're often tapping your fingers or toes.
You enjoy sounds of all types, but you also find sound can distract you at the wrong time.
You are probably a gifted musician of some sort - even if you haven't realized it.
Also a music lover, you tend to appreciate artists of all kinds.

You would make a great musician, disc jockey, singer, or composer.


mmm... chinese food and gummy bears...

it's been a good day overall... chinese food with the folks and then a trip to the grocery store... scholarship packet time... and a talk my sisters... i'm in a really good mood right now... i feel quite confident... but i'm just not sure about what... maybe that's my cockiness catching up with me... i dunno anyway... nick and i are going to breakfast in the morning... and i just spoke to casey.. and keith... i hope we get to go to barbershop on tuesday! it will rock! i love going to barbershop!!! yea!!! (that's my extra good mood coming out) as nick would say: yea! awwww... john's rubbing off on me... lol... sorry... isn't that an ok rub off... as long as there's no white belts in view, then we're ok... haha... anyway... i think i'm going to sing 'brick' -ben folds five- for pops... yes... that's what i will do... i just made an executive decision... 'brick' it'll be! 3 months, 7 days, 11 hours, and 44 minutes until graduation!!! woot!!! woot!!! i'm excited... well back to those scholarship applications due on tuesday... and then to bed... i love my eyelids... they are gorgeous...


survey says:

Current mood: sleepy...
Current music:'brick' - ben folds five

spell your name backwards: NHOJ
have you ever had a song written about you: nope
what song makes you cry: ‘what a wonderful world’ -louis armstrong
what song makes you happy: ‘some days you gotta dance’ -dixie chicks
what's your all time fav. song?: too many... I love music in general
what do you listen to before you go to sleep: the fan... I love it... or conan o’brien
height: 5'9
hair color: dirty blonde
piercings: nope
tattoos: gimme a few months

what color pants are you wearing: pants? oops
what song are you listening to: ‘time of your life’ -green day
what taste is in your mouth?: ham
what’s the weather like?: chilly
how are you?: exhausted
have a bad habit?: biting my nails
get along with your parents?: today...
boyfriend/girlfriend: ...
have a current crush: yes
have a big regret: yes

tv show: wheel of fortune
conditioner: pantene pro-v
book: a music one...
non alcohol drink: cherry coke... mos def
alcohol drink: absinthe
things to do on the weekend: sleep, sing, hangout

broken the law: indeed
ran away from home: nope
snuck out of the house: not really
ever gone skinny dipping: i have a pool... what do you think?
made a prank phone call: sorry... nope.
tipped over a porta potty: that’s gross
use your parents credit card: yes
skipped school before: ask keith... or mrs. bermea... hehe
fell asleep in the shower/bath: when I was young
been in a school play: i AM the very model of a modern major general
had a boyfriend/girlfriend: sure
had children: don’t EVER want them
been in love: heh...
have a hard on: I have a penis...
been hurt?: nick hit me when we were drunk... bitch...

have a job: 2 of them
your cd player has what in it right now?: phantom of the opera
if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: turquoise
what makes you happy?: music... me... friends
the next CD you're going to buy: probably some weird shit

Time you got a real letter: today
Time you got an email: today
thing you purchased: dress clothes... and a shiny tie!
TV program you watched: wheel of fortune
movie you saw in the theaters: ???
Kissed w/ tongue: ...
hugged: mel
song heard: ‘i’ll be there for you’ - the rembrants
place you were: wal-mart
phone call: brandi
you were depressed: now...
you were in the hospital: the last time sheldon broke himself

car: stanley
murder: death
cape: hobbits... renaissance festival
penis: underwear
cell: phone
shoe: flip-flops
fun: harmony explosion
crush: orange soda
music: choir
chalk: a cartoon


well... i got a 1 on my solo and by the grace of god almighty... excuse me... God Almighty... show choir got a 1 as well... it was amazing... well... i am super tired and hopefully i'm going to see route 66 tomorrow at the san pedro playhouse with nick and his family... i dunno too much more...

my livejournal

yo! check it out... it's neat... i guess



finally... i'm ungrounded... it's been an well... INTERESTING day... if you are in the inside loop (brandi) then u know what's up... if not... well then my reason is english... i dunno... i just needed to blog for nonspecific reasons... well folks... have a great day.....


being grounded

being grounded sucks...

i love you folks!

happy valentine's day!!!


im grounded again...

so i'm grounded again (again)... i hate it... o well... i'm ungrounded on Saturday (solo and ensemble) and i'll probably be regrounded before then... it seems to be the pattern... well... adios... i'mm off to being grounded...


parents.... again

so my parents are absolutely stupid... and i can't stand them... they are hypocritical, and i can't wait to move out... i didn't clean the kitchen in the hour that dad wanted me too, so at 3:30 this morning i went to clean the kitchen... mel came out and told me i was supposed to have already done it and that i was being too loud... well, then i woke up early to do it and dad told me the same thing... so in my attempt to exonerate myself, i wasn't allowed to do what i was asked to do... well... the punishment is stupid... here goes: option a) don't go to keith's all-state concert; or b) go to keith's concert and get grounded from EVERYTHING until friday... well... i took option b. and as you can plainly see, i am on the computer (oops!) everyone is gone, and i go to work in a few minutes, so i am utilizing this time to blog my frustrations... well... no phone, or computer, or TV, or music, or going out, or having a life for another week!!! yea! i am so frustrated with everything right now... i need to leave my house for a night or two (like i'm used to) and take a break, but i can't... because i'm fucking grounded... o well... only a few months until i move away... to college... oh yeah.... college... well i got accepted into UNT and i told my parents... instead of the excited reaction i expected, i got a lecture on why i could have not had to worry if i made better grades... so my parents wait until 2nd semester of my senior year to make their first lecture on grades in my high school career... a little late... oh wait... that's typical... my parents don't give a shit about me... oh well... it's off to work to make money, so i can get the hell outta here... adios... haha... it's 4:20, and i wish i had a drink right now...



so i'm really jealous of keith... i wanted to make all-state so bad. i know i bitch about it a lot, but i've never wanted anything so bad... ever... even when i lived with karen. that means a lot. it may mean that my priorities are outta whack, but that's how they are. well, tomorrow i get to go see the concert, but it won't be the same. i dunno, call me ungrateful, but i just wanted it so bad. i mean all i do is music. i have no other life, and i love that about me. so, when you devote all of your time and life to something and then you don't get it, it just hurts really bad. it's almost like a relationship.... you put time, and effort into it all of the time... it becomes the center of your world, things get scheduled around it, your life is incomplete with its absence... and then, you break up... or don't make an audition... call me obsessed or bitter... that's fine.... i am... i almost think that it would be better if i never made pre-area auditions... then i couldn't have made area and built my hopes up so much... and i'm really not this ungrateful, i'm very proud that i made it this far, it's just that i'm disappointed... i feel as if i let myself down... well... i'm done now... i know the concert tomorrow will be good... i'm going with mr. and mrs. masterson. congrats goes out to keith and stephanie once again... oh... hey guys! we're on TV!!! something like the gvtc channel... i dunno... someone told me... that's cool!


another "hard day's work"

well... i just got home from another "hard day at work". it was awesome. i sat a computer all day doing what i love to do. i edited all of the svms girl's basketball pictures. then i got to play around with keith's senior portraits. it was cool... well... i'm off... i have to get some stuff done...

andres says:

"and what is it that we we're meant to have wrote?....ugh... written" -phantom of the opera



well... it's off to work i go... keith is scheduled for his senior pictures today, so that'll be fun... i'm kind of glad that i have a job... it sure beats sitting at home all day doing nothing and going nowhere (since i am STILL grounded)... and then there's the obvious reasons... i don't know too much more... ciao ;)


good news...

well... i'm super excited!!! i got accepted into UNT!!! barely, but accepted none the less... i have to take psyc1000 my first semester.... but it's aaaaall good... i was freakin' out because my envelope didn't say what keith's said... i thought it was another denial letter... but... IT'S NOT!!! my parents did upset me though... they didn't even act excited... they actually gave a lecture on my grades... but besides that, im ecstatic!!! well... i'm gonna go look at housing stuff... i'll blog mare lata...

college sucks... and i'm not even there yet...

well... i called unt to ask them a question... then i told the guy to be blunt with me... basically, i'm not going to get accepted (unofficially). i CAN send in an appeal though... i have to have 3 letters of recommendation and write a personal essay on why i want to attend unt... so... i might as well start now! (sarcastic enthusiasm there) well... adios... this just makes my day grand...


hmmm... blogging is hard work

so i've been playing with my other blog.... ( it's hot stuff!!! it's starting to take shape... i don't know html so it makes it difficult... but i'm getting there... well... i don't know what i'm gonna do... but i'll do something... it sucks being grounded. i can't go anywhere or do anything... i have to keep myself entertained all day long... i'd rather be at school... well... my shout outs today go to: kaiser (you bruising s.o.b., you), hilary, my sisters (all of them!) and yogi the bear (and well... i guess cindy, boo boo, and the ranger too!)


music is an art beyond all other arts, not merely an imitation of life but truly abstract. it is the universal language, evoking the same emotions across all cultures... music is my solace... my refuge... my comfort... my catharsis... when i sing or play, only the music exists; i am filled with it... i become it... the world falls away from me... and there is nothing more beautiful than this...



kelz... i would call you but i don't have your number... sry.. i still have your dremel though!

better than nothing...

well... i can use my computer, talk on the phone, watch TV, and all of that great stuff now... but, i'm still grounded from going out or having people over... i hope i get to go to TMEA later this week... at least for the swingle singers and the saturday concerts... well... i don't know too much more...